Module 3: Mind Mapping

Using Main mapping in teaching

Mind maps help provide a visual representation to concepts, organize information in a certain manner and can be a great source of collaborative work. They help create linkages between multiple topics and helps to have an overview of the concept. Mind maps can be used as a means to revise a concept or be used in a classroom by students to build on a concept as the lessons progress.

My assignment – Supply

The assignment given to students is to summarize what they have learnt in the unit ‘Supply’. This mind map is supposed to serve as as a tool for revision. Students were asked to list all the concepts studied under this topics and also include online resources for further revision/study. After having done this exercise myself, I realized:

  1. It is easy to rearrange and change information in the digital form. This can act as a thinking board for the students where they have the option of constantly adding and editing information.
  2. The freehand tool is helpful to draw graphs but at the higher level, given how complex these graphs get, it might be challenging.
  3. I was able to integrate digital resources along with the mind map which is not something that a paper mind map can offer.

The learning objective of this exercise is for students to be able to demonstrate an understanding of the concept of Supply. Students should be able to identify and organize material depicting the linkages between different sub-topics. Adding online resources involves critical thinking as they select resources that are relevant and can supplement their information.

My Sketchboard

The following is a possible student outcome:

The link to the sketchboard can be found here.

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