Module 5: Screencasting

The tutorial

I have used Screencastify to record my tutorial. This tutorial is a follow up session of studying tariffs in Economics. since the students already have prior knowledge on consumer and producer surplus, how a tariff works and what deadweight loss means; this tutorial brings all these concepts together and depicts them on a graph. Students usually find this graph complicated and so creating a tutorial ensures that they always have access to this information.

The video tutorial can be found using this link:

Screencasting in teaching

Recording a video can be useful in many ways for both educators and students. A few ways in which this can be used in the classroom are:

  • Video tutorials could be used by students at home to gain prior knowledge about a topic. Class time can then be used to have deeper and higher order discussions on the matter.
  • Videos tutorials can also be used as a toll for revision by students.
  • Videos can be useful in the physical absence of a teacher and class time can be effectively used to study.
  • Lessons that involve a simulation or an activity can sometimes fall short of time as one needs to share the instructions and rules of the game etc. A video can be recorded with the instructions that students can see prior to the lesson and class time can be used more effectively.
  • Different students learn at a different pace. A video recording helps each student learn at their own pace and at a time when they are prepared to do so.

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